Welcome to KWH Editorial Services

(678) 691-4843

    About Us


    Let an Experienced Editor Save You Time and Help Produce Your Best Work


    In this do-it-yourself world, does it make sense to be your own editor?   That depends.


    Do you have 20 years of experience as an editor in the health sciences? Have you edited numerous journal articles, supplements, and complete books? If so, then maybe you should take time away from your research, your students, or your other commitments to do your own editing.

     Do-it-yourself  only makes sense, though, if you have the time and the skills needed.  If not, you’ll pay too much trying to be your own editor, in terms of  time and aggravation. Let me take the weight off your shoulders, and  show you how pleasant life can be when you include a professional editor  on your project team. 


    In the long run, you’ll not only save time and end up with a better manuscript, but you’ll probably save money (and hair) too.

     Maybe you're not sure  your project needs an editor. Perhaps your budget is tight or your  project seems too small. A little conversation will go a long way toward  determining the right approach for you. .

    Contact Us

    Drop us a line!

    KWH Editorial Services

    2418 Empire Forest Dr., Tucker, GA 30084, USA

    (678) 691-4843